II. Neptunus Appearance
+ Absolotue Winner in II. Neptunus Appearance
+ 100.000.-
+ az első hely nyereményei
+ Neptunus Winner
+ The Most Beautiful Mare / Stallion / Foal
+ 1st Placed in II. Neptunus Appearance
+ 200.000.-
+ Beutiful Mare / Stallion / Foal
+ 2nd Placed in II. Neptunus Appearance
+ 100.000.-
+ Nice Mare / Stallion / Foal
+ 3rd Placed in II. Neptunus Appearance
+ 50.000.-
01. sportlovak
1.helyezettek: Cupido de la Queen, Corina des Bois, Locking Your Inside, Burlington, Hill Do It, Snap Shot, Capitan
2.helyezettek: Flipper, Elegante Charm, Ulinomate Rose, Caprice, Velantis, Don Primero
3.helyezettek: Dante Weltino, Atilla the HUN, Lorelei, Morpheus Regulus Starr
1.helyezettek: Medaglia d'Oro, Groupie Doll, Terpsikhora, Hope Dies Last, Party Doll, Diamond Anchor, Ragnar Lothbrok, Magenta Dream of Streets
2.helyezettek: Donald Stuff, London Eye, Overanalyze, Sweet Damsel, Raised a Secret, American Flag, Gorec
3.helyezettek: Shakespeare in Love, Mc Donald's, Pyro Thyme, Evening Damsel, Skystorm in the Heaven, Critical Prince
1.helyezettek: Wonderwall Navaho, Prince Gris y Hermoso, SH Gris Feeling Speed, Too Hot
2.helyezettek: Retro Tango, Northern Wonder, Last Milagro LM, Martini, Lacoste Bandit
3.helyezettek: Smart Bijou, Aether Illusion, Last Scharlote Ship LM,
04. egyéb lovak
1.helyezettek: Don Mustafa, Desert Rain, Magical Stone, Warface, Orion, Mascarado
2.helyezettek: Brego, Minesota T, Ciceron, Clayton, Aiko, Tomahawk
3.helyezettek: Painted Rain, Keselyüstök, Titan, Salvino, Falcon